Sentimental / A House of Ink, Ali Kazma

Nouveau Musée National de Monaco & éditions Empire
ISBN : 979-10-95991-24-3
128 pages
13,5 × 22,5 cm
Design: Syndicat
24 €


The book presents Kazma’s latest works, dedicated to his compatriot, Nobel Prize winner Orhan Pamuk. It extends the structure of these videos. A House of Ink (2022) offers a succession of details of the writer’s flat, his manuscripts, his library, etc., as if this interior revealed, however allusively, Pamuk’s inner world. As if it were not simply the place of creation, but also the means. Sentimental (2022) is composed of a brief exchange between the writer and the video artist after days of silent shots. It shows Pamuk signing piles of books while also questioning two sorts of artists: the “naïve” type who travels the world in search of inspiration, and the “sentimental” artist who, like Pamuk, requires the peace and permanence of what might be called “a room of his own” to create.

The catalogue, imagined by the Éditions Empire, has been designed according to the characteristics of the novel, of which it takes up several distinctive elements while offering a look at the structure of the book itself, echoing Ali Kazma’s interest in the processes of production and creation. In addition to numerous illustrations from his latest and earlier works, the book includes an introductory text by the young Turkish critic and curator Nilüfer Şaşmazer, as well as an interview conducted by Guillaume de Sardes with the artist.

Intuitions, Naço, Marcelo Joulia — Green cover, French Version: Marcelo Joulia
Intuitions, Naço, Marcelo Joulia — Blue cover, French Version: Marcelo Joulia
Intuitions, Naço, Marcelo Joulia — Yellow cover, English Version: Jérôme Sans
Intuitions, Naço, Marcelo Joulia — Red cover French Version: Marcelo Joulia
Marque-page (Bookmark), Jennifer Caubet, 2023: Jennifer Caubet