Revue Faire, Season 2, 2019-2021

20 pages and sometimes more, 210 × 297 mm
CMYK or sometimes more, Saddle stitched binding
Design: Syndicat
7€ per issue or 90€ the subscription


nº 16 — A reproduction: what El Lissitzkzy wants. Author: James Langdon
nº 17 — 
An acronym: ACAB. Authors: Ariane Bosshard, Jérôme Dupeyrat, Olivier Huz and Julie Martin
nº 18 — 
A studio visit: the studio of Ines Cox. Authors: Manon Bruet and Julia Andréone
nº 19 — 
A history: graphic designer-publishers. Author: Thierry Chancogne
nº 20 — • SPECIAL ISSUE • 
“Art posters”: The question of the “poster artist”. Authors: Thierry Chancogne, Jérôme Dupeyrat, Mathias Augustyniak
nº 21 — 
A ski resort: Pierre Faucheux and Les Arcs. From the space to the sign. Author: Catherine Guiral
nº 22 — 
An original: Laurent Benner’s catalogues for the most beautiful Swiss books. Authors: James Langdon & Andrian Samson
nº 23 — 
A portrait: The Matser approving of his own work. Author: Ziga Testen
nº 24 — 
A theater identity: The Schauspielhaus by Cornel Windlin. Authors: Étienne Hervy and Thierry Chancogne
nº 25 — 
Exhibition views: Jonathan Monk. Author: Remi Parcollet
nº 26 — 
Production process: Print on Demand. Author: Manon Bruet
nº 27 — Rhizomes of London: Archigram and mental images of the city. Sonia de Puineuf

nº 28 — The conference: a format. Authors: Manon Bruet, Area Of Work
nº 29 — 
Girls, the Troopers of Dance. Aestheticization of Politics and Manipulation of Entertainment. Author: Alexandra Midal
nº 30 — 
Types of types: the typographic specimen by Lineto. Author: Olivier Lebrun

Intuitions, Naço, Marcelo Joulia — Green cover, French Version: Marcelo Joulia
Intuitions, Naço, Marcelo Joulia — Blue cover, French Version: Marcelo Joulia
Intuitions, Naço, Marcelo Joulia — Yellow cover, English Version: Jérôme Sans
Intuitions, Naço, Marcelo Joulia — Red cover French Version: Marcelo Joulia
Marque-page (Bookmark), Jennifer Caubet, 2023: Jennifer Caubet