Rien de personnel, Martin Bethenod

Disorders — Antoine de Galbert Collection at Lyon Museum of Contemporary Art

Epopee Celesti – Art Brut nella collezione Decharme

Une Histoire d’images, donation Antoine de Galbert au musée de Grenoble

Poster Photo Magazine no.1, 12 folded posters by 12 photographers

30 mn, Aurélien Mole

Elika Hedayat

je gage, iels gagent, nous gageons, Jennifer Caubet

Sentimental / A House of Ink, Ali Kazma

Intuitions, Naço, Marcelo Joulia

The sun comes in whenever it wants, Sky Hopinka

Monte et descend, Lucien Pelen

Revue Faire Special Issue: A debate: Jan Van Toorn / Wim Crouwel. Author: Thierry Chancogne

Pain Liquide Magazine issue 1, by Simon Nicaise

Revue Faire, Season 3, 2021-2023

Grand Bazar, choix de Jean-Hubert Martin dans la collection Antoine de Galbert

Artists as Iconographers, Updated reprint, Garance Chabert & Aurélien Mole

Paris la consciencieuse : Paris la guideuse du monde, by Frédéric Bruly Bouabré

Revue Faire Special Issue: Artists Posters, Thierry Chancogne, Jérôme Dupeyrat, Mathias Augustyniak

Revue Faire, Season 2, 2019-2021

Un atelier à soi, Jennifer Caubet

Stud, Aurélien Mole & Aurélie Jacquet

Co-Création, French Version, Céline Poulin et Marie Preston

Co-Creation, English Version, Céline Poulin & Marie Preston


L’Écart absolu

Artists as Iconographers, 1st edition, Garance Chabert & Aurélien Mole

IBM, Paul Rand’s Graphic Standards Manual reprint

Revue Faire, Season 1, 1st to 15th issue, 2017-2018

The Middle Of The World, by Yonatan Vinitsky

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